Le 15 January 2025, 12h00 à 13h00 Webinar
Zoom Invite will be sent one day before the session |
Chapitre : | Webinaire |
Langue : | Anglais |
URL: | https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OTRlNmNlNTctMTMyZS00NjgxLWI0ZDUtOTcyZGZiNWRjMzky%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2265c65228-65f2-4b36-a281-15a4790219d4%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%224aef1854-4b28-4f91-9638-f57dfec9a302%22%7d |
Conférenciers : |
Dr. Mercy C. Oyet | ||
Mercy is an experienced academic and seasoned HR professional with a passion for seeking and providing evidence-based and culturally intelligent human resource management and development solutions. Mercy immerses herself in current research in human resource management to identify opportunities to bridge gaps between research and HR practice. She is the founder of MCO Consultants Inc., a client-centric boutique HR consulting and recruitment firm providing bias-free, innovative, and impactful human resources management solutions for small and medium-sized businesses, and nonprofit organizations in Canada. Mercy is driven by her passion to continually learn and develop her area of expertise to add value in every situation she is needed. She values integrity, authenticity and excellence and strives to live by these values in her professional and personal lives. Mercy’s ideal down time is time spent hanging out with her husband, children, and with other family and friends. |
Description de l'évènement : |
Join us to to explore what is cultural intelligence, how it can be developed, and briefly examine its application in today’s workplace.