Dear CPHR members, we want to hear from you! Please join us for a one-hour coffee and conversation on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in NB on November 28 from 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. immediately following your professional development session at the Wu Conference Centre, Fredericton N.B. Enjoy some snacks and beverages as we chat, in preparation for your drive home. Please register here:
The Public Legal Education Information Service of New Brunswick (PLEIS-NB) and the New Brunswick Human Rights Commission (NBHRC) are partnering to address and prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The project has a special focus on vulnerable populations, specifically members of the LGBTQ2S+ Community.
PLEIS-NB and the NBHRC invite you to share your front-line HR expertise:
- What are the barriers and challenges faced by individuals experiencing sexual harassment?
- What options currently exist for resolving conflicts?
- What is working well?
- What is the effectiveness of the existing educational approaches and services to address this issue?
- What do you encounter in your work where further resources could be helpful?
We kindly ask for your time, insight and suggestions; and look forward to a robust discussion on this important topic. Your input will assist PLEIS and NBHRC to build evidence-based recommendations for action; and will contribute to the development of resources and training to support you and your fellow HR professionals.
Additional information is available in this Project Brief.