The Chartered Professionals in Human Resources New Brunswick was established in October 1996 to meet the needs of HR professionals in our province for their growth and recognition. The association’s mandate includes attaining recognition as a resource on employment issues, as well as promoting and gaining acceptance of the Human Resources field for the distinct body of knowledge it provides in business. Our purpose is to promote and encourage members to develop and maintain a professional standard of knowledge and proficiency in our occupational field.
Member Benefits
Reduced registration fee
CPHR Designation
Ability to pursue the Chartered Professional in Human Resources designation
Access to partner promotions
Save on various programs and products from our featured partners
Perk Program
HR Toolkit
Reach for your HR Toolkit and simplify your HR efforts
CPHRNB Service Providers’ Guide
Free basic listing and special pricing for enhanced listing

Since our beginning, we’ve grown rapidly. As of July 2022, we represent over 830 HR professionals, students and managers from both the public and private sectors of business in our province. Currently, we have chapters in five of New Brunswick’s centres – Bathurst, Edmundston, Fredericton, Moncton, and Saint John. Each of these chapters holds regular meetings that allow for both networking and learning. Our membership meetings provide a wealth of networking opportunities where you can share best practices, develop your HR skills through our educational seminars and gain the opportunity to provide the Association your input towards its direction and focus.
In October, 1999 we joined CPHR Canada. This move greatly benefitted our members by:
- Giving us a voice on the national stage – specifically regarding the establishment of national standards. We will have a stronger joined voice when communicating with various government offices and may have increased leverage to influence HR practices throughout Canada; and
- Increased networking opportunity.
Being a part of this group gives our members a network of HR professionals they can interface with on a variety of vital and perhaps not so important issues.