CPHR Canada requires that persons holding the Chartered Professional in Human Resources designation must maintain their provincial association membership in good standing.
CPHRNB membership fees and CPHR dues are payable in January of every year. CPHRNB members whose membership renewals come due while they are on parental or disability leave exceeding 6 months from their workplace are entitled to apply and receive suspended membership status. If the leave is less than six months, the member is expected to maintain his/her CPD hours and membership dues.
The suspended dues only apply to the annual CPHR membership fee. The CPHR designation dues (applicable to CPHR designated individuals only) cannot be waived in order to maintain your designation.
Applications for suspended membership must be accompanied by written confirmation from the employer of the type and term of leave granted. In the case of self-employed members, confirmation from a physician is required.
Suspended membership status relieves members from paying dues until the expiration date of their leave and their membership will be placed on suspended status. Members are not entitled to member benefits while their membership is suspended but they are considered to remain in good standing for the purposes of maintaining their CPHR designation.
Requests for a parental leave of absence must be made prior to the commencement of the leave. Retroactive leaves will not be approved.
CPD Log: One CPD hour per month of leave will be credited to the member log. This is to ensure the good standing status is maintained within the online profile where a minimum of 10 hours per year needs to be recorded.
Leave of absence policy recap: