2022 CPHR Saskatchewan Virtual Conference
This event will take place over two days, March 29-30, 2022. The 2022 Virtual Conference is a premiere learning event for Human Resource Professionals in Saskatchewan. This event will provide attendees with the opportunity to participate in active learning to enhance skills and build HR competence through the professional development offered.
Conférence virtuelle du CRHA du Nouveau-Brunswick
DATE: | Le 3 May 2022 |
8h30 à 16h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Conférence |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
CRHANB a le grand plaisir d’annoncer que les détails de sa conférence virtuelle sont maintenant confirmés. Cette activité stimulante se déroulera les 3 et 4 mai 2022, et les inscriptions hâtives sont déjà ouvertes. C’est avec enthousiasme que nous dévoilons notre thème pour 2022 : « Relance RH. L’humain au centre des décisions d’affaires. », thème qui s’annonce tout à la fois engageant et captivant et qui procurera un soutien continu à notre industrie en pleine effervescence.
Revival2022 CPHR Nova Scotia Annual Conference and Trade Show
DATE: | Le 27 June 2022 |
10h30 à 17h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Conférence |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Over the last two years, HR professionals have taken on the role of workplace innovators, guiding businesses through disruption and constant change. They consistently demonstrated their capabilities and their resilience in adapting their operations. Like a flower in Spring, HR Professionals have continued to bloom and inspire.
We invite you to join us for two days of networking, awards, and thought-provoking learning on how Human Resources can remain the business function leading workplaces through an organizational revival in 2022.