HR3.0 How to Influence Culture in the 21st Century through Coaching \ Free for Members
DATE: | Le 12 January 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
HR3.0 - The People & Culture era is more than a name change. It's a paradigm shift requiring new business partnership skills and abilities. Culture Coaching focuses on unleashing organizational culture potential and offers an approach all HR practitioners need to learn about. During this session we will review the key concepts and share insights on how a culture action plan is different than other plans. In this presentation, you will learn:
Who should attend: HR Practitioners in Training, Learning and Development roles, HR Business Partners, HR Managers, Internal Coaches, and any HR practitioner with an influence on culture and/or coaching within an organization and/or direct exposure to executive and senior leaders. |
Virtual Webinar Series Jan 19- Feb 9
CPHR Atlantic webinars have officially launched!
January 19, 2021
The Future of Workplace Mental Health
January 26, 2021
How to Build Psychological Skills on the HR Frontline
February 2, 2021
Building Resilience in a Stress Epidemic
February 9, 2021
Building a Culture of Inclusion and Empowerment
CPHR Atlantic Webinar Series #2 of 4
January 26, 2021
How to Build Psychological Skills on the HR Frontline
February 2, 2021
Building Resilience in a Stress Epidemic
February 9, 2021
Building a Culture of Inclusion and Empowerment
High Tensions: Managing Workplace Conflict in These Challenging Times
The last year was tough on everyone. We have experienced increased stress as we continually adjust to a different way of living.
Organizations have had to quickly adapt operations and work-related processes to meet constantly changing government guidelines,
while still carrying out their business functions. These changes have resulted in a new way of working that comes with its own challenges.
How we interact with and understand others has changed and transformed our working relationships, resulting in misinterpreted communication,
unclear expectations, and more workplace conflict.
Leaders are spending more time than ever managing workplace conflict arising from the pandemic. This webinar will help employers and HR
professionals understand the importance of recognizing sources of conflict in their organization and improve employee engagement. We’ll look at
how these new challenges not only fuel conflict but affect how individuals respond to conflict, and we will help you address workplace conflict,
bearing in mind that each situation is unique and there is no approach works for all scenarios.
Join us for this webinar as we learn how to:
• Identify the main sources of conflict in the workplace;
• Recognize the early signs of conflict and understand how conflict escalates;
• Understand the responsibilities and role of leadership when addressing conflict; and
• Use different approaches to help resolve workplace conflicts.
Webinar | Can you Require Employees to Roll Up their Sleeves?
DATE: | Le 28 January 2021 |
11h30 à 12h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
CPHR Atlantic Webinar Series #3 of 4
February 2, 2021
Building Resilience in a Stress Epidemic
February 9, 2021
Building a Culture of Inclusion and Empowerment
LIVE WEBINAR Managing Difficult Phone Calls
DATE: | Le 3 February 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Handling difficult interactions on the phone is a challenging task, especially if the caller is in a heightened state of emotion. For many, the ability to navigate difficult phone conversations with respect and professionalism is an essential workplace skill. This webinar is designed to provide practical strategies for dealing with clients and customers over the phone who are in a heightened emotional state. Participants will learn over-the-phone techniques for de-escalating anger, resolving conflict, and communicating effectively.
Virtual Conflict Resolution Skills for Leaders
This is a live virtual event using Zoom, an online meeting platform. Please check system requirements prior to registering.
Leading through conflict is an essential leadership skill. When leaders fail to respond quickly and effectively to conflict, the people they lead suffer and workplace performance plummets. Many conflicts would not spiral out of control if leaders used conflict resolution techniques that are easy to learn and utilize. This workshop provides strategies for leading through conflict with clarity and confidence. Participants will learn to use conflict analysis tools to understand complex interpersonal dynamics and team tension which will help them make informed choices for where and when to intervene in a conflict.
Some of the Topics Included
- Navigating Your Role as a Conflict Resolution Leader
- Choosing Where to Focus Your Energy in Conflict
- How Conflict Escalates and De-escalates
- How to Deal With Conflict at Its Source
- Tools for Navigating Difficult Conversations
Target Audience
This workshop is intermediate-advanced level workshop and will benefit leaders, managers, supervisors, human resource personnel, and anyone who deals with workplace tension and interpersonal conflict.
Method of Delivery
Presentation, video, demonstration, experiential practice, personal reflection, and small group discussions.
Fredericton - Assemblée générale annuelle de CRHA NB
DATE: | Le 4 February 2021 |
8h30 à 9h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Fredericton |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
l'Assemblée générale annuelle de CRHA Nouveau-Brunswick, section de Fredericton, aura lieu le 4 février 2021. Mais en raison des restrictions entourant la COVID-19, l’AGA aura lieu virtuellement.
Tous les membres actifs y sont les bienvenue! Cet assemblée est gratuite!
La section de Fredericton de Conseillers en ressources humaines agréés du Nouveau-Brunswick tiendra aussi des élections pour les postes à pourvoir au sein de son Bureau de direction.
La section de Fredericton est l'une des cinq sections du Nouveau-Brunswick qui contribuent activement à l'avancement de la profession des ressources humaines. C'est l'occasion pour les membres de notre section de s'impliquer activement auprès du Bureau de direction et de contribuer à bâtir sur les succès passés en s'assurant que nous répondons aux besoins de nos membres.
Des élections auront lieu pour les postes énumérés ci-dessous. Veuillez noter que les renseignements concernant les titulaires ou les personnes occupant des postes intérimaires ont été fournis entre parenthèses.
Administrateur, président élu (actuellement vacant)
- Voici ses fonctions : présider les réunions en l’absence du président et soutenir ce dernier au besoin dans les activités de la section et aider les dirigeants et les administrateurs.
Administrateur, président de réunion (vacant le 31 décembre 2020)
- Voici ses fonctions : assurer la liaison avec les responsables du lieu de l’événement pour veiller à ce que les réservations soient effectuées et les contrats appropriés signés. Effectuer des appels d’offres, le cas échéant, pour s’assurer que la section paie des prix compétitifs pour le lieu de réunion et la nourriture. Servir de contact clé entre les responsables du lieu de réunion et la section, et s’assurer que les besoins des parties prenantes sont satisfaits sous la direction du président du perfectionnement.
À NOTER – Le mandat des postes susmentionnées est de deux ans (du 1er janvier 2021 au 31 décembre 2023).
Conformément à notre règlement, veuillez considérer le présent avis comme un appel de candidatures de la part des membres de notre section pour tous les postes susmentionnés.
Les membres désireux de faire ajouter leur nom à la liste de candidats ou qui ont des questions sont priés d’écrire à Rosalynn Alessi à l’adresse avant le vendredi 29 janvier.
LIVE WEBINAR Critical Incident Group Debriefing
This is a live webinar event using Zoom, an online meeting platform. Please check system requirements prior to registering.
Critical incidents are situations that occur outside of our normal frame of reference and challenge us to understand and cope with what has happened. Critical Incident Group Debriefing (CIGD) is a short-term group intervention process that focuses on an immediate event. CIGD is one of several methods that may be utilized to lessen the likelihood of people experiencing symptoms of trauma and stress after a critical incident. This group debriefing process provides a place for participants to talk and share experiences, and for the facilitator to teach and provide information about the impact of critical incidents. While participants of this webinar will learn about facilitating a group debriefing, they will also learn how to discern when CIGD is appropriate for a group and when it might not be a suitable intervention.
CPHR Atlantic Webinar Series #4 of 4
Building a Culture of Inclusion and Empowerment
LIVE WEBINAR Management and Supervision
DATE: | Le 11 February 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
One of the most difficult and often overlooked aspects of moving into a supervisory or management position is developing the skills necessary to truly manage people. Without intentional training, many new managers are left to figure things out on their own – for better or worse. Like all skills, effective management and supervisory skills must be learned. This webinar presents the crucial skills for managing employment relationships from beginning to end, with particular focus on hiring and performance management. Viewers will also consider how their communication and personal approach to management affects the people they lead.
Leadership Development - Learn, Grow, Achieve
This workshop provides an opportunity for leaders to fine-tune their leadership philosophy, and focus in on parts of their own leadership that need further development.
Some of the Topics Reviewed
· What Defines a Leader
· Your Philosophy of Leadership
· How to Develop as a Leader
· How to Address Weaknesses
De-escalating Potentially Violent Situations
DATE: | Le 26 February 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
For those who work in an environment where there is potential for violence, it is important to develop the skills needed to defuse dangerous situations. This webinar is designed to teach people to de-escalate potentially violent situations through assertiveness and interpersonal communication. Viewers will develop a clear understanding of how to assess the potential for violence and respond with a diverse set of interpersonal tools and strategies designed to defuse potentially violent situations.
Trust & Teams: Creating Sustainability for Healthy and Safe Workplaces
MindWell Founder Dr. Geoff Soloway hosts Dr. Graham Lowe and Dr. Merv Gilbert to discuss trust and teams. This insightful conversation will teach you why trust matters in the workplace and how we can measure it; the implications of COVID-19 on trust in organizations; how to build trust in teams; and strategies for recovery and sustaining psychologically healthy and safe organizations post-pandemic.
Help your team and organization sustain itself through this challenging period and beyond. Sign up today!
Top 10 HR Mistakes and How to Avoid Them \ Free for Members
DATE: | Le 4 March 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Join James D. Kondopulos and Natalie Cuthill of Roper Greyell LLP, a leading Vancouver-based employment and labour law boutique with over 40 lawyers who practise exclusively in the area of workplace law, for a discussion of the most common and costly HR mistakes and how to avoid them.
James and Natalie will identify mistakes most frequently made by employers and canvass preventative measures and strategies to avoid needless legal disputes and save the significant money, time and trouble generally associated with lawsuits.
They will welcome dialogue and questions throughout the webinar.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Mistakes most frequently made by employers
- Impact that these mistakes can have on employers
- Strategies and preventative measures to avoid making these mistakes
Building a Culture of Coaching: Creating an Integrated Coaching Strategy for your Organization \ Free for Members
DATE: | Le 9 March 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Coaching is moving from a tactical L&D tool to a mainstream leadership and culture strategy. Organizations are seeking the right balance between external coaches, internal coaches and training their leaders as coaches. This workshop focuses on helping HR leaders understanding the idea of developing coaching strategies and multi-faceted coaching programs. We will review research and findings on a culture of coaching and use case studies sharing our experience in running large scale coaching projects with a Fortune 500 company and a Best Workplace in Canada.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Different types of coaching used in organizations (external coaching, internal coaching and leader as a coach)
- How to develop an integrated coaching strategy
- Real-life examples of Coaching Program Design
- Best Practices from Case Studies
Smarter Disability Benefits \ Free for Members
DATE: | Le 16 March 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The webinar provides an in-depth look at disability benefits, addresses common misconceptions, and shows how to create better policies.
This webinar wil cover:
- Myths about disability
- A brief overview of government-sponsored programs
- A better understanding of employer-sponsored plans
- Case studies
Closing the Gender Gap in the Workplace / Free for all!
DATE: | Le 18 March 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
When it comes to closing the gender gap, many tools can make a difference. The organization can offer women at all levels of its hierarchy training and mentoring to achieve career advancement, thus creating a female pipeline of talents.
However, to achieve long term results and retain talents, the corporate culture has to be nurtured too. This is where having a tool to assess that the organization’s practices, programs and actions are geared to facilitating the progress towards equitable representation of women at all levels, until parity is achieved and sustained, is key.
Why are diversity and inclusion important, what are the benefits to the organization and how to reach parity will be covered during this presentation.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Current status of gender equity in Canada
- Understanding core concepts of Inclusion & Diversity
- The positive impact of the presence of women in decision-making bodies on an organization’s financial performance
- Opportunities & Benefits of diversity, inclusion and intersectionality
- The Women in Governance holistic approach to closing the gender gap in the workplace
La gestion des conflits par conversation guidée -WEBINAIRE
DATE: | Le 25 March 2021 |
8h30 à 10h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Séance de PF virtuelle CRHANB |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Comment la conversation aide-t-elle à résoudre les conflits?
Comme toute bonne conversation critique, une conversation destinée à aider à résoudre un conflit doit suivre un processus courant : examiner le problème, les options et les idées; choisir des solutions; puis se mettre en route et évaluer les résultats de la conversation. Au cours de la séance, Sally Wells vous fournira les outils nécessaires pour résoudre les conflits en créant les bonnes conversations.
Developing Emotional Intelligence through Coaching / Free for Members
DATE: | Le 6 April 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Emotional Intelligence has been identified by the World Economic Forum as a top 10 employment skill for the global workforce. Research provides us with concrete, evidence-based models of EI, which allow us to assess levels of competency (EQ) and provide roadmaps for development. What exactly is EI and how can it be developed through coaching? Join Jill Cory and David Cory, Canada-based coaches and leadership development specialists, as they share with you what you need to know as an HR professional and how to best help your employees to develop their EQ.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- What Emotional Intelligence is and why it matters
- How to measure EQ using the world’s leading tools
- How top coaches help their clients to develop their EQ
- 5 tips to implement immediately to improve your EQ
LIVE VIRTUAL Diversity and Culture - Strategies for Working with Differences
DATE: | Le 7 April 2021 |
11h00 à 18h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Autre |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
When diversity and cultural differences lead to misunderstandings or distrust, they are often viewed as challenges to manage within our work environments. However, they are better viewed as valuable assets to organizational health. This workshop examines specific elements of diversity and culture as they relate to communicating, power differentials, and experiences of discrimination. Participants will learn strategies for working with differences and promoting inclusion in the workplace.
Some of the Topics Included
- What is Meant by Diversity?
- What is the Difference Between Equity and Equality?
- Inclusion and Exclusion Dynamics
- Language Considerations – How We Talk
- Cultural Context Model
- Culture Differences and Conflict
- Communicating Across Difference
- Culture and the Dynamics of Power
- Discrimination and Rights
- Organizational Strategies and Remedies
Trauma-Informed Care
DATE: | Le 9 April 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Trauma is prevalent in our world and has an impact on many of the people we interact with, including our clients and colleagues. Compassionate and trauma-informed care is essential to providing effective support and building sustainable services. This webinar explores how to build a trauma-informed culture in a workplace setting that integrates knowledge throughout the organization. Guiding principles will be explored for increasing emotional and physical safety, culturally sensitive empowerment, and creating greater resilience for all parts of an organization.
Webinar - Duty to Accommodate: Life After Lockdown - Free for Members
DATE: | Le 13 April 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted Canadians’ mental and physical health. Over the past year, Canadians have struggled to adjust to the new “normal” which includes working from home or working on-site with new health and safety measures in place.
After provincial lockdowns and restrictions are eased and more Canadians return to the office, employers will have to navigate several complexities that may implicate their duty to accommodate an employee. These issues include the duty to accommodate an employee’s mental health condition and underlying health conditions to the point of undue hardship.
During this webinar, employment lawyers from leading Canadian employment & labour law firms will discuss the employer’s duty to accommodate an employee’s disability and how accommodation issues may arise when employees return to the office. Specific attention will be placed on the dramatic shift in working conditions across industries and geographic locations and the novel questions it raises.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- The state of the law surrounding an employer’s duty to accommodate an employee
- Duty to accommodate issues that may arise for employees returning back to the office
- Influential factors that HR professionals should know when dealing with the duty to accommodate
- How AI-powered platform can assist HR professionals in navigating complex accommodation requests
Canada's Failed Whistleblower Protection Law
Whistleblowing Canada invites you to join us for the next in our series of Webinars and discussions on vital topics in the whistleblowing field - Canada's Ineffective Whistleblower Protection Law.
These discussions are aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of whistleblowing and how encouraging whistleblowers or truth-tellers can help our organizations and governments prevent harm and work better to the benefit of everyone – organizations and citizens alike.
This webinar will inform you of:
- the 20 internationally accepted "best practices" for whistleblower protection legislation
- why Canada's whistleblower protection legislation doesn't work and the implications for provincial whistleblower protection legislation
- how it can be fixed
Why Canada’s Whistleblower Protection Legislation is Tied For Last Place: an analysis of countries with “best practices” in their relationships with whistleblowers as enshrined in legislation.
Date: April 14, 2021
Time: 12pm to 1:00 pm EST
Platform: Zoom
Cost: No Fee
Mental Health & Wellness Symposium & Showcase
DATE: | Le 15 April 2021 |
12h30 à 18h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Conférence |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
It’s no surprise that the current COVID-19 situation has had an impact on our lives and the way we work. With protocols such as physical distancing, it has become even more important that as Human Resource professionals and leaders we make the extra effort to remain emotionally connected to our colleagues when working remotely. In addition to fear and anxiety, the workplace stress can lead to burnout. And now more than ever, it is critical that you recognize what stress looks like, take steps to build your resilience, manage job stress, and know where to go if you need help.
Join our upcoming event where experts will share tips and resources to support and help manage the mental health and wellness of your team and workplace through these challenging times. This event will also provide you the opportunity to network with organizations who not only support the wellbeing of our mental health and wellness but give you an insight to tangible products and services that are available for you and your workplace.
This Event Includes:
- 3 Keynote Speaker Sessions
- Virtual Exhibit Hall – interact in real time with the experts!
- Activity Breaks
- Networking Opportunities
- Scavenger Hunt and Prizes
- Up to 4.0 CPD Hours
CPHR Atlantic Project Management Program
DATE: | Le 21 April 2021 |
8h30 à 16h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Autre |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Session Topic
In this certification program, you will learn the Project Management essentials - planning, managing, monitoring, controlling, assessing risks and reporting your project’s progress. Learn important skills such as how to manage client expectations, push back “do it faster” managers and clients, and handle the inevitable project changes. Delve into working with matrix teams and their unique management requirements. Also included in this program is practicing estimating for planning and reporting purposes.
- April 21, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- April 22, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- April 28, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- April 29, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
Live Webinar: Leadership: Insights for Thinking Differently
DATE: | Le 22 April 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
ACHIEVE CEO and Author, Randy Grieser, will share his own journey of leadership and inspire you to think differently and grow as a leader. This webinar is based on his book, The Ordinary Leader: 10 Key Insights for Building and Leading a Thriving Organization, and explores how to make each of these insights a reality in your own organization. Particular attention is given to motivation and employee engagement – the areas that an international ACHIEVE survey showed were of the greatest importance to leaders and employees. Viewers will learn new and different ways of working through challenges and capitalizing on opportunities, and be encouraged to think critically about their own approach to leadership.
COVID Q&A: Navigating New Challenges- HRdownloads' Complimentary Webinar
No one expected the COVID-19 pandemic to last as long as it has, yet here we are over one year later, still navigating the challenges of on-again off-again business closures, managing remote workforces, and keeping employees safe.
No matter what the situation has been for your organization and its employees, whether you have fully re-opened, expect restrictions from a third wave, or are in full lockdown, everyone is still feeling the impact of COVID-19.
This webinar will consist fully of a question-and-answer period where we address new concerns and answer your workplace-related questions on COVID-19. Feel free to submit your questions or just register to learn more about the issues other organizations are facing regarding the future of work, employee engagement, mental health, and even recruitment during the pandemic.
Here's how our HRdownloads’ FREE webinar works:
- Register for the webinar and submit your questions with your registration before Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
- Concerned about confidentiality? Not to worry, all submissions will be anonymous.
- We will do our best to answer as many questions as possible and discuss the most popular topics over the course of the webinar, but we may not address all questions submitted by registrants.
- If you are an HRdownloads member with our Live HR Advice service, you can call us with your HR-related question to speak to an advisor today!
Coaching Strategies for Leaders- Conflict, Performance, Change
In the absence of intentional coaching, employees often lack the support they need to develop and perform at their highest levels. Effective leaders are skilled at coaching the people they lead to inspire growth, change, and healthy work relationships. This workshop provides a leadership approach for coaching others effectively and provides tools that bring out the best in the people. Through the use of case studies, participants will learn a five-step coaching model for working with their employees to enable changes in behaviour, promote skill development, and resolve conflict.
Some of the Topics Included
- Coaching in the Context of Leadership
- Essential Coaching Mindset and Beliefs
- Coaching for Behaviour Change
- Coaching for Skill Development
- Coaching for Conflict Resolution
- Navigating Conflict Triangles
HR3.0 How to Influence Culture in the 21st Century through Coaching / Free for members
DATE: | Le 11 May 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
HR3.0 - The People & Culture era is more than a name change. It's a paradigm shift requiring new business partnership skills and abilities. Culture Coaching focuses on unleashing organizational culture potential and offers an approach all HR practitioners need to learn about. During this session we will review the key concepts and share insights on how a culture action plan is different than other plans.
Change Management Symposium
Constant change is the new business normal and this means that we need to be prepared to deal with it all the time. Change management can be a complex process and therefore requires attention from employees of all levels in the organization. It is key for an HR professional to assess the human impact of change by finding ways to encourage a smooth transition to new workplace responsibilities, and to successfully implement new processes while minimizing negative outcomes.
From this event you will benefit from experts who will guide you through the change management process in attempts to minimize both short and long-term disruption to make workplace transitions as seamless as possible. Lets learn together, while apart at our upcoming symposium.
Managing Mental Health in the Workplace
Dealing with issues related to mental health in the workplace can be challenging and difficult to navigate. It is essential that organizations have the capabilities to manage mental health because early identification and support typically leads to continued productivity and retention of employees. With the right support, people with mental health concerns can thrive in the workplace. This workshop provides a roadmap to help managers participate in conversations with employees who may require support when experiencing difficulties related to mental health. Participants will learn strategies for creating a more inclusive work environment that reduces stigma surrounding mental illness.
Some of the Topics Included
- Why Mental Health Matters
- Common Mental Illnesses
- Assumptions About Mental Illness
- Signs and Symptoms of Mental Health Concerns
- How to Approach Someone About a Mental Health Concern
- Return-to-Work Strategies
- Employer Responsibilities and Rights
- Best Practices for Workplace Mental Health
Business Continuation: Planning for the Sudden Loss of a Key Person / Free for members
DATE: | Le 20 May 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The temporary or permanent loss of a key person can greatly affect your firm's future. How do you protect your business from losing financial resources, key talent, employees, and customers? The webinar will identify the elements of a business continuation plan, including communications, important agreements, shareholder considerations, and insurance funding.
Fredericton Chapter Meet & Eat
DATE: | Le 20 May 2021 |
12h00 à 12h45 |
CHAPITRE: | Fredericton |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The Fredericton Chapter of CPHR-NB would like to invite you to attend a virtual “Meet and Eat” session for its members. Join us on May 20th at 12:00pm NOON with your lunch. This fun interactive 45 minute session will be an opportunity to catch up with some colleagues that you may not have the opportunity to see and speak with as a result of COVID-19 regulations.
Here’s what you can expect:
- 15-minute introductions and overviews
- 30 minutes of discussion time with HR colleagues from the Fredericton Chapter.
- Breakout rooms to keep the conversations smaller and more personal.
- Facilitation to help guide the conversations (if needed).
- Discussion on best practices, individual experiences, questions and advice etc.
- Please sign up for the session in advance.
- You will receive an email invitation to the Zoom meeting after the event registration has closed.
- Each person will be assigned a breakout room for the meet and eat discussions.
- Please fill out this questionnaire to provide some insight on topic discussions!
CPHR Nova Scotia Annual Conference and Trade show
CPHR Nova Scotia invites our members to attend thier confernce and trade show.
FREE webinar: Toxic Masculinity in the Workplace
The term 'toxic masculinity' has been used to describe the negative impact of the behaviour of some men. In this webinar, we will explore what is meant by the term toxic masculinity and its relationship to workplace effectiveness. How does toxic masculinity impact workplace culture, psychological safety, and individual and team effectiveness? What might be the relationship between toxic masculinity and emotional intelligence? We will discuss a potential way forward which involves leveraging emotional intelligence competencies to reduce the damaging effects of toxic masculinity. Join Jill Cory and David Cory, Vancouver Island-based coaches and leadership development specialists, as they share with you what you need to know as an HR professional and how to reduce and/or shift the impact of toxic masculinity in your workplace.
- What we mean by Toxic Masculinity and why it matters
- What Emotional Intelligence is and why it matters
- To describe the relationship between toxic masculinity and EI
- What organizations are doing to mitigate against the negative impacts of toxic masculinity in the workplace
FREE Webinar- The Time is Now…. Making the Shift to Modern Performance Management
Employers everywhere have faced a highly accelerated pace of change over the past twelve months. Coupled with the already existent complexities of meeting the needs of the evolving modern workforce, establishing best practices in order to create a fantastic culture feels overwhelming. With so much of the workforce moving to more permanent hybrid/remote structures, employers need to prioritize modernizing their business practices in order to retain their top talent. In this powerful session, we will not simply engage in data points and rhetoric, but will provide recommendations for best practices in continuous performance management that can be implemented immediately by HR departments of any size.
- Continuous performance management models that work for any size/structure
- Implementation plan suggestions to move away from performance appraisals and into continuous performance management
- Considerations for overcoming objections and selling these new processes through your organization to gain support.
FREE webinar: Rethinking Leadership for the Future
New and amplified mindsets and capabilities for leaders have emerged over the past year that will continue to be important as we look to the future. 2020 was a year of upheaval for the world of work and turned leadership on its head. Digital transformation, the global pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, corporate social responsibility and other societal factors have rapidly cast a new light on what 'good leadership' is.
Join Andrea Plotnick, Ph.D. and Greg Leskew, C.E.C. as they explore the mindsets and capabilities that will propel organizations, post-pandemic, to new heights.
- How and why the notion and approach to leadership is changing
- About the critical leadership competencies that have been amplified in importance
- The implications for assessing, selecting and developing these behaviours in your leaders
- How to embed competencies into your talent strategy
Compensation Strategy Symposium & Showcase (Live Online)
DATE: | Le 10 June 2021 |
12h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Autre |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The global pandemic has affected many aspects of traditional HR structures, including one of the most important, our compensation strategies. HR leaders assert that workplace renumeration has become increasingly more complex, as employers are forced to reconfigure their current pay strategies. How should we think about compensating employees while considering the full context of the pandemic, both now and through its later stages, all while redesigning approaches to compensation?
Be part of the conversation and hear from expert speakers sharing information and knowledge. Carefully chosen partners organizations will be there to showcase their products and services in effort to help us navigate successfully through the months to come.
Morning Engagement Session and Event Platform Overview: 8:00 am - 8:30 am (PDT)
Presentations: 8:30 am - 2:30 pm (PDT)
Additional Networking: 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm (PDT)
Please see the table below for the start time in your time zone.
Time Zone |
Start Time |
8:00 am |
8:00 am |
10:00 am |
9:00 am |
11:00 am |
12:00 pm |
12:30 pm |
Adjustment |
+0 |
+0 |
+2 |
+1 |
+3 |
+4 |
+4.5 |
ADP CANADA MASTERCLASS: Lessons from the Fast Lane Formula One, The Business of Winning - Insights in High Performance, Technology & Teamwork
DATE: | Le 15 June 2021 |
14h00 à 15h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Business is like navigating a hairpin need speed and traction to come out first and cross the finish line ahead of the pack. That takes talent. But championship teams look beyond the single race, knowing that talent is only a piece of the puzzle – it’s the combination of data and teamwork that wins championships.
Join Mark Gallagher, Formula 1 industry executive and Formula 1 World Champion & Indycar Champion, Jacques Villeneuve as they share insights around leadership and developing the right team behaviour and corporate culture.
You will hear first-hand about Mark & Jacques’ experience in F1 from both a business leader and driver perspective as well as how the sport has become data-driven and not unlike your payroll and HR platform, a highly connected environment which has revolutionized performance, efficiency and cost control.
Takeaways will include:
- Using big data to accelerate success
- How to gather, process, store and utilize information streams in order to better manage risk, optimize performance and guarantee positive outcomes
- How team culture fuels high performance; and
- How to align your team's strategies with your organization’s ambitious goals
FREE webinar: Successful Retirement Masterclass
DATE: | Le 15 June 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
When you retire you will spend two things: Money and time.
The way you structure your money and use your time will determine how joyful your retirement will be.
Attend this webinar to learn how to maximize your financial security, purpose & legacy using strategies enjoyed by affluent Canadians.
Importantly, you will also learn about the non-financial side of retirement planning which will help you design a meaningful, impactful retirement.
Even if you don't feel you have as much money saved as you'd like or think you are too young to start retirement planning, this webinar (and the included online Successful Retirement Academy) will help you have more peace of mind, freedom and happiness in your retirement.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- How to Plan the Non-Financial side of Retirement to ensure Your Happiness
- Avoid 4 Common Financial Mistakes using an Integrated Ecosystem
- How to Navigate Your Tax Brackets so you Pay Less Tax
- How to Maximize Your Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Income
- Learn what Your Biggest Risk in Retirement is
LIVE WEBINAR Leadership Development Learn, Grow, Achieve
DATE: | Le 16 June 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Being an effective leader requires us to be thoughtful and intentional about what we do and how we do it – it takes time and requires work. Taking the time to intentionally think about leadership may not get the attention it warrants, yet it is one of the most important things we can do to raise the performance of both ourselves and our organization. This webinar provides insights for helping leaders to fine-tune their leadership philosophy and focus in on parts of their own leadership that need further development. Participants will be challenged to think critically about their own approach to leadership development and gain unique insights that will strengthen their abilities as a leader.
FREE webinar: Navigating a Remote-Working World: Productivity, Confidentiality and Substance Use
The COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted Canadians’ mental and physical health. Over the past year, Canadians have struggled to adjust to the new “normal” which, for millions of Canadians, includes working from home.
Throughout provincial lockdowns and restrictions, employers have been learning to navigate the new remote working environments including managing productivity among employees as well as managing substance use and confidentiality laws.
During this webinar, an employment lawyers from leading Canadian employment & labour law firms will discuss the employer’s duty manage productivity levels and potential substance use at home, while abiding by confidentiality laws for employees working from home.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- The state of the law surrounding an employer’s right to perform drug and alcohol testing when employees are working from home
- The state of the law surrounding an employees confidentiality when working from home
- Influential factors that HR professionals should know when dealing with drug and alcohol testing
- How AI-powered platform can assist HR professionals in navigating complex drug and alcohol testing
CPHR Atlantic Presents: 5-Step System for Investing in Real Estate (FREE)
DATE: | Le 22 June 2021 |
11h00 à 12h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Topics covered:
- How to analyze Real Estate investments like a seasoned pro (whether you’re buying first/principle residence, a vacation property or an investment property)
- The 5 disciplines for owning profitable investment properties
- The three key relationships every Real Estate investor needs and how to go about creating those on your own
- Other Real Estate investing secrets not taught anywhere else
- Real Estate Investment analysis tools will be shared with all attendees
- Open, live Q&A at the end
FREE webinar: Radical Self-care and Putting Ourselves First for Others
As workplaces became virtual in response to the pandemic, HR specialists sprinted to adapt and maintain a supportive work environment for everyone, including themselves. In the long run, caring for others first in the face of uncertainty can take its toll on our bodies and minds. Learn day-to-day coping techniques to avoid burnout, how to take care of yourself in order to better care for others, as well as strategies to shift the organizational perspective from headcount to human beings.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Addressing the mental health burden placed on HR representatives
- Learn burnout prevention and how to alleviate "caregiver syndrome"
- How to implement radical self-care to benefit you and those around you
- Being a change maker within your organization to prepare for the "echo-pandemic"
Webinar - Creating People Advantage Study Update
DATE: | Le 22 June 2021 |
12h00 à 13h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
If you are you curious whether you have the same people management priorities as more than 6,600 professionals worldwide, I invite you to be part of our exclusive webinar to learn more about the latest findings in the Creating People Advantage Study—a World Federation of People Management Association (WFPMA) and Boston Consulting Group collaboration, and the world’s most renowned and longest-running study on people management trends in organizations.
McInnes Cooper Webinar | Key Actions to Effectively Manage the New Federal OHS Harassment & Violence Regime Webnar
DATE: | Le 24 June 2021 |
10h30 à 11h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The new anti-harassment and violence regulatory regime applicable to federally regulated employers took effect on January 1, 2021. Six months in, concerns are emerging about the onerous obligations the new regime imposes on federally regulated employers, how cumbersome its processes are, and the challenges it poses to employers. Do you understand the issues the new federal regime raises? Are you knowledgeable about the employer’s obligations under it? Do you know what actions to take to manage and mitigate the challenges of the new regime?
Join McInnes Cooper Labour & Employment Lawyers Jack Graham and Denis Mahoney for a virtual roundtable conversation, led by your questions, about the obligations the new federal OHS harassment and violence prevention regime imposes on federally regulated employers, and the key actions you can take to effectively manage and mitigate the associated risks.
CPHR Atlantic Presents: 8 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor (FREE)
DATE: | Le 29 June 2021 |
11h00 à 12h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Topics covered:
- Did you know that Canada charges among the highest Financial Advisor Fees in the world? That said, many advisors are charging MUCH less these days…
- If you don’t know what your advisor is charging, OR, you don’t have enough understanding of the investments they have you in, OR, you would like guidance on how to find an advisor with transparent fees… this webinar is for you
- You’ll learn exactly how Financial Advisors charge and the right questions to ask and how to find someone who WILL act in your best interest
- Attendees will be provided with a special E-book to help you take action after the Webinar
- Open, live Q&A at the end
LIVE WEBINAR How to Foster Motivation
DATE: | Le 21 July 2021 |
15h00 à 16h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
When employees are not actively engaged at work, not only do they suffer – the organization does as well. Workplaces with high levels of engagement have employees that are committed and feel a connection to the organization. Engaged employees are willing to use discretionary time, brainpower, and effort beyond what is expected of them. This webinar explores how employee engagement occurs more readily when employees are respected and cared for, when they do tasks that bring them satisfaction, and when they work in an organization that makes a difference. Participants will learn unique insights for increasing engagement and be challenged to think critically about their approach to employee engagement.
NKE Prep Course (Live Virtual)
CPHR Manitoba offers the CPHR NKE Preparation Course in partnership with Captus Press Inc.
This course is designed to help participants consolidate the knowledge they already have and - more importantly - identify where they need to focus additional studying in order to be successful in completing this multiple-choice assessment.
You Will:
- Acquire information about the NKE that will enhance your understanding of the exam format and testing process.
- Learn tips and tactics for writing multiple choice exams.
- Review study skills and strategies to determine your personal learning plan.
- Review the exam weighting to indicate knowledge gaps in each discipline area.
- Practice sample exam questions to evaluate your individual knowledge.
- Share learning with colleagues through discussion and participation in learning teams.
As a result, you will be able to:
- Assess your personal knowledge of each discipline area.
- Design a personal learning plan.
- Successfully write the exam with greater confidence.
Conférence virtuelle et atelier de la Semaine du respect en milieu de travail
Chaque année, la semaine de la fête du Travail est déclarée la Semaine du respect en milieu de travail. Pour sensibiliser le public à la Semaine du respect en milieu de travail, l'équipe de recherche sur la violence et les abus en milieu de travail organise sa conférence et atelier annuel. Cette année, le conférence sera virtuelle sur Zoom et comportera d'un total de 6 présentations (2 sessions par jour) portant sur le thème du bien-être au travail: santé et sécurité psychologique en milieu de travail.
Emotional Intelligence and the Bystander Effect
DATE: | Le 16 September 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Being a bystander is the opposite of being a leader. The bystander chooses to remain uninvolved and takes no action. What is at the root of this phenomenon and what is the relationship with emotional intelligence? How does it impact the workplaces around the world? Join Jill Cory and David Cory, Vancouver Island-based coaches and leadership development specialists, as they share with you what you need to know as an HR professional and how to address this trend in your workplace.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- What we mean by the Bystander Effect and why it matters
- What Emotional Intelligence is and why it matters
- To describe the relationship between the Bystander Effect and EI
- How you might begin to tackle this complex issue in your workplace
Who should attend: HR professionals at all levels
Re-Screening Your Workforce in 2021
DATE: | Le 21 September 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Who should attend: This presentation is tailored to any HR professional interested in learning more to drive supply chain value for your organization. |
HRdownloads: HR Compliance: What It Means for Your Business
DATE: | Le 23 September 2021 |
15h00 à 15h45 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Companies of all kinds should make HR compliance a top priority to help keep their business protected and risk-free. HR compliance means identifying government laws and regulations that apply to your organization and ensuring you meet your obligations.
Having comprehensive policies and procedures helps organizations achieve compliance and meet challenges. Aligning your company’s goals with an overall HR strategy promotes continual growth and long-term success.
Join us for this webinar as we discuss:
- What it means to comply with employment legislation;
- Core employment legislation that every business needs to consider;
- Setting a solid path with policies and programs; and
- The importance of training, what is mandatory, and what is necessary to achieve compliance.
English Language Proficiency Test (CELPIP): Get the Facts
DATE: | Le 29 September 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
This webinar is the perfect place to learn about the only Canadian language test that is used for citizenship, immigration and professional designation. This introductory session will help you become familiar with the test format, procedure, available study materials, and more!
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Advantages of the CELPIP Test
- Different uses of the CELPIP Test
- Scoring and format of the CELPIP
- Test-taking strategies and skills
- Test preparation materials
Diversity & Inclusion Conference
DATE: | Le 5 October 2021 |
9h00 à 16h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Conférence |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Join us for our first ever, in-person, full day
Diversity & Inclusion Conference!
We are thrilled to welcome you back in person for a full day of tremendous & thought provoking learning
+ networking opportunities you can't miss.
3 Simple Ways to Increase Retirement Income
DATE: | Le 7 October 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Educate yourself and fellow colleagues on how to create meaningful "found money" for your retirement using three safe planning strategies available to the average Canadian. Learning Objectives: Learn how three simple strategies, designed to maximize your nest egg, can work for you as we walk through real case studies using easy-to-understand, visual retirement planning software. |
Who should attend: This webinar is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to plan now for the best retirement possible, regardless of age or stage of life. |
Intégration des employés
DATE: | Le 12 October 2021 |
11h00 à 12h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
One of today’s most important strategic processes for employers, regardless of size, is employee onboarding. For some companies, it’s about giving a new hire the tools needed to become a productive member of the team. For others, onboarding is the last stage of the recruitment process and the first step toward employee retention and integration with the company’s culture.
The core feelings of new employees toward the organizations they choose to join often take shape in the first days and months on the job.
This session will look at the bottom-line to onboarding. And why this critical window of time is too important to leave to chance
By adopting the practices discussed, participants will take away:
- The ins and outs of a vibrant onboarding program with reliable metrics in place to measure its impact on your business
- The COVID-19 factor – There are now two types of onboarding experiences
- Which onboarding mistakes to avoid – from the loss of exceptionally talented people to the hefty price tag it will take to replace them.
Onboarding is clearly a pivotal experience both for employers and new employees.
Understanding the Background Screening Process
DATE: | Le 14 October 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
What Organizations Don’t Know About Background Checks Whether you are starting in the HR industry or head of your own company, you’ll want register to this virtual event to learn about the ins and outs of background screening in Canada. This webinar will start with Senior Advisor, Public Safety Management, Chuck Walker, giving an overview of the criminal check process and common pain points. Vertical Leader, Marena Rojas-Schupp and Account Executive, Shaun Ryan, will discuss anomalies, and cover FAQ’s related to turnaround time, different levels of criminal checks, how to navigate CRRP requirements, re-checks and more. You’ll get the opportunity to ask the speakers a question during the live Q&A. This Webinar will cover the following topics:
Who should attend: The target audience of this webinar is for any HR professionals, Head of Compliance roles, CEO’s and more. Anyone in charge of hiring and maintaining employee retention and safety. |
CPHR Atlantic Presents - The Basics of Negotiations for HR Professionals (Virtual)
DATE: | Le 19 October 2021 |
8h30 à 12h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Knowing how to properly negotiate will make a positive impact on your career!
Join us as we virtually explore four modules over 4 hours:
- The Negotiation Framework
- Practical applications
- Labour Negotiating
- Salary Negotiations
Enhancing A Culture Of Wellness
DATE: | Le 19 October 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Discover the most underutilized benefits that will support you in creating a culture of wellness.
Who should attend: HR Managers, Plan Administrators, Communication team. While this presentation is most suitable for those with emerging and intermediate practice experience, it is a good refresher for all levels. |
Together Again Symposium
DATE: | Le 22 October 2021 |
12h30 à 18h15 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
The gradual return to work plan has officially begun across the nation. Organizations are dealing with the conundrum of when, and how to open the doors to their employees after nearly eighteen months. Though many are eager to get back to the office, many are feeling anxious and unsure of this. A safe return to work plan hinges on the steps the employers take to ensuring employee wellbeing.
With 2022 fast approaching, our experts will help lead you to organize your workplace in order to help you prioritize the health and safety of people, spaces, and stay informed about the latest protocols and legislation before we are all Together Again.
How to Design & Launch a Leadership Coaching Program
DATE: | Le 27 October 2021 |
12h00 à 13h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
PowerUp Leadership's Webinar is for professionals interested in learning more about the “How to Design & Launch an Impactful Leadership Coaching Program? ” course that we offer. This Webinar will provide information on the services we offer, the benefits of this course as well as how to calculate and track the return in investment of professional coaching.
The webinar and course is targeted for HR professional with business partners that come to them for coaching, or have struggled in creating a coaching culture where leaders inspire employees and coach them to achieve results. This is an opportunity to learn more about PowerUp Leadership's Online On Demand Leadership Development Coaching Program and how coaching is able to help you be successful.
COVID-19 Labour & Employment Litigation Learnings Webinar
DATE: | Le 28 October 2021 |
11h00 à 12h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
COVID-19 forced many employers to make temporary, and even permanent, changes to the terms of employees’ employment, from scheduling and hours, to pay, to temporary layoff and even employment termination. Now these changes are being tested by judges and arbitrators. Does violating COVID-19 safety policies constitute cause for dismissal? Is a temporary layoff due to COVID-19 a constructive dismissal? What’s the impact of the pandemic on reasonable notice periods?
Join McInnes Cooper Labour & Employment Lawyer Alex Warshick and Litigation Lawyer Andrew Kinley for an invitation-only virtual roundtable conversation, led by your questions, about five key learnings that employers, forced by COVID-19 to change employees’ terms of employment, can glean from court and arbitration decisions so far.
CRHANB Assemblée générale annuelle
DATE: | Le 16 November 2021 |
17h00 à 18h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Autre |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Le présent avis a pour but d'informer les membres du CRHANB que l'assemblée générale annuelle est prévue pour le 16 novembre 2021 à 17h00.
En raison des restrictions de COVID-19, cette réunion se tiendra virtuellement.
FREE webinar: 2022 Hiring & Compensation Trends
DATE: | Le 16 November 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Confidence is high in the employment market, and the outlook is upbeat as the economy recovers and businesses continue to hire. But with the return to a candidate-driven market, is your company prepared to face fierce competition for skilled talent? Learn how adapting to new ways of doing business and managing work-life balance — with a focus on flexibility and retention efforts — can help. Plus, see how to manage the need for new skill sets, where salaries are headed, and the latest trends in benefits and perks and benefits as Canada gets back to business. Learning Objectives:
Who should attend: This presentation is geared towards hiring managers, business leaders, HR and employee engagement leaders |
How SkillTech is Revitalizing Workforce Mental Health
DATE: | Le 16 November 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Experiences that live within the workday – empowering people to learn by doing – is a shift in thinking when it comes to improving employee mental health and safety. Where the traditional model has been more lecture-based, taking employees away from their work for several hours and lacks continuity, this evolved approach considers that people learn better through practice. Studies have shown that lecture-based training, or even training in the form of reading materials, is a passive learning style where only 5-10% of information is retained after twenty-four hours. On the opposite end, learning by doing sees retention jump up to 75% after twenty-four hours. This session, led by Dr. Ryan Todd, CEO of the mental health tech company headversity, talks about how SkillTech is offering employees utility and on the job, real-time training for mental health, and why employers need to know about it.
Hope, Courage Skill and Will: 3 Part Learning Series
DATE: | Le 17 November 2021 |
11h00 à 14h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
November 17, 24, & 30, 2021
We all play a role in creating safe workplace cultures that are free of harassment and discrimination. In today’s world of work, Human Resource professionals hold powerful positions of influence to lead the evolution of workplace cultures that result in a feeling of safety and inclusion for all. Yet, despite motivation and effort, harassment continues to exist and impact employees with alarming frequency and impact. Through this innovative and interactive learning series, HR Professionals will be guided through a series of developmental workshops that will equip you with the skills, tools, and perspective to transform your workplace into a culture of safety for all.
CPHR Saskatchewan is excited to be partnering with Enough Already, YWCA Regina, the Labour Relations and Mediation Division from the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, and Veritas Solutions to provide you with ground-breaking development. The learning series has been intentionally sequenced to focus on a guided journey of managing harassment in the workplace through each stage:
1. Prevention: The prevention of harassment by activating the role of bystanders – Delivered in partnership by Enough Already, YWCA Regina, and the Labour Relations and Mediation Division from the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
2. Investigation: The best practices and potential risks associated with handling workplace investigations – Delivered by Veritas Solutions
3. Restoration: The healthy restoration of the workplace following an investigation – Delivered by Enough Already/Labour Relations and Mediation Division from the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety.
The series will be moderated by Brett Elmgren, President of Axom Leadership, with a focus on inspiring HR Professionals to embrace their positions of influence to drive positive culture change in pursuit of harassment-free workplaces.
This event will be recorded, and made available to paid registrants for 30 days after the event.
Re-Opening the Workplace: Revisiting the "Nuts & Bolts" of HR Compliance
DATE: | Le 17 November 2021 |
10h30 à 12h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
As provinces emerge from their COVID-19 shutdowns, it is a good time to revisit your HR compliance checklist. What are the day-to-day legal requirements that you should be considering, and what are the risks if you are not in compliance? We will cover key topics, including Hours of Work, Leaves of Absence, Posters, Harassment & Violence, Termination of Employment and Vacation, among others and will provide an opportunity for you to ask questions.
At the end of this webinar, you will have a clear understanding of your obligations regarding each of the topics that are covered. You will learn:
- the relevant legislation
- the specific requirements that you must meet
- the risks of non-compliance
Diversity & Inclusion Symposium & Showcase
DATE: | Le 18 November 2021 |
12h00 à 19h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
While leaders have long recognized that a diverse workforce confers a healthy workplace environment, a severe gap continues to persist between recognising the lack of and actually working to eradicate the gap. Join this event to deep dive into the conversation where experts discuss the differences and importance between diversity and inclusion, the crucial connections that attract diverse talent, and how to encourage this participation and mindset. Connect one on one with organizations to learn more about industry best practices, and available services and resources.
The event will also provide participants a chance to learn about and experience hands-on a wide range of D&I solutions and resources designed and used by industry experts at the event showcase in an effort to guide us all in creating a more equitable and supportive workplace, and world, for everyone. The event showcase features a virtual exhibit hall and theatre and allows attendees to connect with solution providers live in real-time chat and video conversations.
Join CPHR BC & Yukon on Thursday, November 18 and participate in an online event and conversation that you won’t want to miss!
The event includes:
- 3 Keynote Speaker Sessions
- Virtual Exhibit Hall – interact in real time with the experts!
- Networking Opportunities
- Scavenger Hunt and Prizes
- Up to 4.0 CPD Hours
- Pre-Event Tech Help Drop-In session (offered on November 17 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm)
The Fourth Wave of Safety: Training the Mind
DATE: | Le 25 November 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Having lived through three full waves (!) of a pandemic, employers are now preparing for the long-term mental health implications of more than a year of heightened stress, isolation, depression, anxiety and substance abuse in their workforce. Because, let’s face it – we ALL faced mental health during the course of the pandemic. Now, employers are looking for ways to offer the vital mental health resources to their teams to build into their culture, avoiding the traps of the failed mental health initiatives of the past, and prepare for the fourth wave of mental health. This talk, led by Dr. Ryan Todd, CEO of the mental health tech company headversity, talks about how to successfully integrate the mental health message into your company safety initiatives, and demonstrates ways to revitalize the health and safety meeting.
WEBINAR |The Hybrid Workplace: from Haphazard to Intentional
DATE: | Le 25 November 2021 |
14h00 à 15h00 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
As COVID-19 continues, many workplaces have morphed from remote work arrangements into hybrid arrangements for many employees. By necessity, these models were often haphazard. As we enter the “living with COVID” phase, the time is right for employers to consider, with intent, a “hybrid” workplace and its impacts. How will you satisfy your statutory obligations in a remote setting? Do you need special workplace policies? What are some key contractual terms to address?
Join McInnes Cooper Labour & Employment Lawyers Mike Murphy and Amanda Nash for an invitation-only virtual roundtable conversation, led by your questions, about the key legal challenges of a hybrid workplace and how to address them.
FREE webinar: HR Technology in a Post Pandemic World
DATE: | Le 30 November 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
HR Technology has come a long way in the past few years, but the pandemic has made us take a step back and rethink our processes and how we could make better use of our HR Technology. Join us as we discuss what we have learned about HR Technology during the pandemic and how we can take those lessons and improve upon them. In this presentation, you will learn:
Who should attend:
Prevention – The New Frontier of Workforce Mental Health
DATE: | Le 30 November 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
Workplace mental health has undergone a paradigm shift in the past year. A study from TELUS revealed more than 75% of employees have said they have struggled at work due to anxiety caused by the pandemic, with 80% saying they would consider quitting their current position for a job that focuses more on employee mental health. Mental health is now a total workplace issue, and companies are looking for ways to build a strategy that permeates through the entire organization. This session examines the mental health brand shift, how employers are moving towards prevention, and the benefits an upstream, preventative strategy can bring organizations.
CPHR Atlantic Project Management Certificate Program
DATE: | Le 2 December 2021 |
8h30 à 16h30 |
CHAPITRE: | Webinaire |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
CPHR Atlantic Project Management Certificate Program, facilitated by Lemmex Williams Training Inc, is a 4-day virtual interactive program that focuses on the fundamentals of project management, customized to human resources professionals.
Session Topic
In this certification program, you will learn the Project Management essentials - planning, managing, monitoring, controlling, assessing risks and reporting your project’s progress. Learn important skills such as how to manage client expectations, push back “do it faster” managers and clients, and handle the inevitable project changes. Delve into working with matrix teams and their unique management requirements. Also included in this program is practicing estimating for planning and reporting purposes.
- December 2, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- December 3, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- December 16, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
- December 17, 2021 - 8:30am-4:30pm AST
Building a Safe Culture in Your Workforce
DATE: | Le 7 December 2021 |
13h30 à 14h30 |
LANGUE: | Anglais |
With many organizations returning to the physical workplace this Fall, and many employees having worked remotely for more than 17 months, employers are sensitive to the fact that psychological safety of employees will be in a more precarious position than ever before. Where creating a physically safe environment is mandatory for organizations, there’s an added focus with all that’s gone on during COVID-19 to build a psychologically safe culture. Dr. Ryan Todd, psychiatrist and CEO of headversity, goes through psychological safety in the workforce and how to build a safe culture on your team.