Saint John: CPHR New Brunswick Saint John Chapter AGM
DATE: | January 22nd 2019 |
8:00 am to 8:30 am |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
On Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019, CPHR New Brunswick Saint John chapter will be holding its annual general meeting from 8:00am to 8:30am in the Montagu Rooms in the Hilton's Trade and Convention Ctr.
The Executive will be reporting on the chapter activities and financials for 2018.
Cette présentation sera en anglais seulement.
Saint John: Employment and Labour Law Update
DATE: | January 22nd 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
A fast-paced review of the key labour and employment law decisions from the courts and tribunals over the past year. As an employer you need to be aware of the new developments in employment and labour law, regardless of your industry/sector or how many employees you have. Effective human resource strategies depend on it.
Saint John: How to Navigate Immigration Recruitment – Who, What, Where, When & Why?
DATE: | March 12th 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
In New Brunswick, multiple employment sectors continue to express their need for a strong, vibrant, and well-prepared work force. Increasingly, this need is on the rise and results in the question “Where will these workers come from?”
This 3-part conversational style presentation will highlight opportunities around meeting the challenges of the current New Brunswick workforce environment. The focus will be on :
WHAT programs are there to help take advantage of these opportunities?
WHY and WHEN should economic immigration should be considered?
HOW local organizations can provide support, information, and more?
The Government of New Brunswick, Department of Post-Secondary Education Training and Labour will provide information on the various streams available to employers to help them successfully navigate and meet their human resource needs. From creating employee training plans to developing recruitment strategies and implementing onboarding initiatives, you will:
LEARN about the supports available to access potential employees from across New Brunswick, throughout Canada, and around the world.
HEAR about the challenges and successes experienced by all – employers, service providers and the newcomers themselves.
For a better understanding about these initiatives and details about immigration as a recruitment option and join us for this PD Session
Saint John: HRs Role in Change Management
DATE: | May 14th 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
How many of the change initiatives started in your organization succeed? How many sustain the results even one year later? How often is it because people do not change their behaviours to support the new process?
Prosci defines Change management as a process and set of tools to manage the people side of change to achieve business results.
This overview seminar will discuss HRs role in the change management process.
We will discuss what change management is, why we need it, and the critical roles that HR can fill in change success.
- Why change?
- Why change management?
- Overview of the change process and its impact on employees
- Roles HR can play
- Scenario discussion
Saint John: Coaching for Human Resources Professionals
DATE: | July 16th 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
As HR practitioners, we are increasingly being called on to consider coaching as a tool for individuals, teams, and our organizations. What about us? What could be different for us AND our organizations if we developed the skill to bring a "coach approach" to our work and our leadership? I can tell you with 100% certainty, it would change the whole game!
In this workshop, we will explore the wide range of understandings as to what leadership coaching is and isn't. You will learn some of the core skills and a basic model for coaching. We will use YOUR real-life experiences to engage you in learning and application - you can't learn coaching using role play. We will consider things like having difficult conversations, providing feedback, and leading change - all thing we as HR professionals deal with daily! It is a highly interactive workshop - one that you will leave with immediately useable skills and a hunger for more.
We hope you will join us for this opportunity to grow and learn together in a safe and confidential environment.
Saint John: Employment Law and WorkSafeNB Updates and Discussions
DATE: | September 26th 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
Join Michael McGovern and Kelly VanBuskirk for a wide-ranging discussion that will include:
- Information on the OHS legislation that came into effect on April 1 regarding workplace harassment and violence, how you can comply with the new requirements and how you can provide value to workplaces in preventing harassment problems.
- A discussion on the potential effect of the new OHS legislation on workers’ compensation claims.
- How case law is developing around both medical and recreational cannabis use in the workplace. Those cases and how you can address the issues they raise will be discussed.
- An update on recent legislative amendments affecting worker’s compensation claimsthe session will conclude with an open discussion on any labour/employment/health & safety/compensation issues that you want to discuss
Saint John: Leading Five Generations in the Workplace - SOLD OUT!
DATE: | November 26th 2019 |
8:00 am to 12:00 pm |
CHAPTER: | Saint John |
LANGUAGE: | English |
Have you noticed the age difference of the people sitting near you at work? Look around at your next meeting, and you will see someone close to retirement sitting next to a freshly out-of-school graduate. These circumstances present a unique challenge for today's leaders: how to motivate and manage an inter-generational workforce.
As New-Brunswick's population continues to age, those left in the workforce will be faced with challenges never seen before. Eddie LeMoine will bring participants through a journey to understand the impact of the aging population and how to create a workplace that will attract and retain a winning team. You will discover how to work across five generations, in a multicultural and diverse workforce. This presentation is packed with content participants can use as soon as they go back to work.
Aging demographics and the shrinking workforce has been a front and center topic for several years. With people living longer, staying in the workforce longer or re-entering the workforce after retirement, we are now experiencing the latest form of diversity in the workplace—five generations! Should leaders be concerned about these shifting generation gaps? Definitely! To achieve maximum productivity and a great work environment, an effective leader is a leader who understands, manages, and communicates across all generations.
Today it's commonplace for five generations to be working side by side within an organization. This recent phenomenon is contributing to the newest and probably most significant workplace challenge for today's leaders. Research shows that bridging the generation gap leads to a more productive and happy work environment. Managing a specific generation (e.g., the Millennials) is no longer enough. It is now critical for a leader to understand, manage, and communicate cogently across all ages. Eddie LeMoine has been delivering keynote presentations and training sessions on the inter-generational workplace since 2005 and is considered a foremost authority on this topic. Let him share his insights for leading each generation in your organization.
Eddie LeMoine has made an extensive study of the inter-generational workplace. His observations are enlightening, and his presentations are delightfully entertaining and content-rich. Thousands of participants have learned from and enjoyed this presentation, and it continues to be one of his most popular topics. It is delivered in an engaging, fast-paced, and entertaining session filled with stories anecdotes and videos.
Key topics:
• How the retiring baby-boom cohort will impact workplace
• How to communicate effectively with all generations
• What unique characteristics each generation has and how to motivate them
• How to work effectively with each generation that you are not a part of
• What the key motivators are for each generation
• The “Curtain call” retaining workers after retirement age.
• Why the biggest competition in the future will be for human resources.
• How to relate to clients from all generations
• Harness the expertise of long-term employees. How technology will become more important to offset the shrinking workforce.
• What are successful organizations doing to attract, engage, and retain workers?
• The cost of losing an employee and the impact it has on costs and benefits
• How to keep people in the workforce
• Why the one size fits all approach to employee benefits, and office environment will not work in the future.
• Successfully navigate diverse demographics and skillfully integrate five generations in one workplace.
• Interpret future trends and their impact on your organization
• Improve productivity
• Contain cost